Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility: towards a more sustainable model
CSR: Monnoyeur’s three priority pillars
Monnoyeur takes its social responsibility very seriously and has defined a CSR roadmap focusing on three main areas. This roadmap constitutes a guiding thread for our four main business lines, which are tasked with implementing it in their own areas.

Anne-Laure Denis
Monnoyeur CSR Director
“As a leading company in our markets, we have a responsibility to be fully committed to sustainability. As close partners to our customers, we want to incorporate this dimension into the support we offer them. We are also working towards managing our own activities more responsibly. Finally, our CSR commitment also responds to the expectations of employees and the talents that will join us in the future. It is incumbent on all of us within the Group to take action on these issues.”

Supporting our customers in the ecological transition through our products and services offering
Monnoyeur supplies its customers with safe and high-quality products, and provides them with associated services enabling them to operate efficiently. We are committed to supporting our customers so that they are part of the ongoing ecological transition and digital transformation.

Reducing the impacts of our operations
Our activities largely consist of service and maintenance operations for capital goods supplied to our customers. These operations are carried out both at our customers’ premises and in our workshops and involve a significant amount of travel by our staff. It is our aim to reduce our energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions generated by these operations as much as possible. Also, guaranteeing safe working conditions for all our employees is a priority.

Ensuring the wellbeing of our teams, stakeholders in our corporate social responsibility
We know what we owe to the skills of our teams. The women and men of the company are at the heart of our CSR approach. Our ability to recruit and retain employees depends on a high-quality working environment and the promotion of diversity.
Monnoyeur supports the United Nations Global Compact
We joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2021.
We are committed to respecting the 10 universal principles of the Global Compact related to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to promoting them in our sphere of influence. We are also committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find out more about our contribution to the SDGs in our CSR Report.

Diversity Charter:
a commitment in line with the Group’s values
In 2020, Philippe Monnoyeur, CEO, signed the Diversity Charter on behalf of the Group. This charter promotes equal opportunities, gender balance and diversity. It contributes to developing management that respects difference and is based on trust.
“The signature of the Diversity Charter is a reminder of the Group’s fundamental values to which we are deeply attached and which drive us in the daily development of our activities. Among these values, I can mention respect, which is of particular relevance to the acceptance of diversity.”
Philippe Monnoyeur
CEO, Monnoyeur
The Group Code of Ethics and Conduct
Being over 100 years old, Monnoyeur knows that it is essential to conduct its business relationships in an ethical and respectful manner. Good practices when conducting its business is essential to protect the interests, reputation and image of the Group and its French and foreign subsidiaries.
To give concrete expression to this conviction, Monnoyeur has published a Code of Ethics and Conduct, reminding employees of the responsible behaviours that are required and those that should be avoided in the context of professional activities.

To read Monnoyeur’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, click here

Ethics portal
An ethics portal is available to all, both Group employees and external stakeholders, to confidentially report any breaches of Monnoyeur’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.

To access Monnoyeur’s ethics portal, click here
Responsible Procurement Charter:
a commitment to the suppliers
In line with our support the UN Global Compact, Monnoyeur is committed to improving environmental, social and ethical practices across its supply chain. To that end, our Responsible Procurement Charter summarizes the responsible purchasing principles we uphold and to which we expect commitment from our commercial partners.