Groupe Monnoyeur receives the Île-de-France «Vitrine Usine du Futur» trophy

Our subsidiary Arkance has received the Île-de-France “Usine du Futur” trophy for the development of a support offer for the digital transformation of its customers. This trophy, awarded by Alliance Industrie du Futur for the Industry of the Future (AIF), rewards each year companies that have developed an innovative industrial project.
Laure Thoraval, Director of Strategy and Innovation of Groupe Monnoyeur came to receive the award, given by Alexandra Dublanche (Vice-President of the Île-de-France Region, in charge of Recovery, Attractiveness, Economic Development and Innovation) and Pascal Daloz (Honorary President of the Alliance Industrie du Futur) during the event “Industrie & Emploi : Compétences et Formation en Île-de-France”, organised by Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale, on Monday 20 September 2021.
Alliance Industrie du Futur pour l’Industrie du Futur (AIF)
Groupe Monnoyeur would like to thank Alliance Industrie du Futur pour l’Industrie du Futur (AIF) for this label which recognises a century of support for construction and industry in its mechanisation and digitalisation.