Skills sponsorship

Future-oriented sponsorship for a corporate citizen
What is skills sponsorship? During their working hours, employees share their experience and pass on their know-how to people in difficulty or associations. At Monnoyeur, we have long understood that this is above all a human venture and the concrete contribution of value.
Skills sponsorship responds to our employees’ aspirations and search for meaning at work. As a bonus, these exchanges are also an opportunity to develop new managerial skills and interpersonal qualities such as empathy.
We have been involved in skills sponsorship since 2014. We have created the Turbo programme with the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation. What is its aim? To teach a trade to young people who have dropped out of school and have social integration problems, and offer them the opportunity to obtain a qualification equivalent to a vocational baccalaureate in a trade that is in high demand, thus giving them every chance of subsequently finding a job. Within the framework of an 18-month professional training contract, they alternate between a theoretical course and weeks of practical activity in our workshops.
The Turbo project relies on the involvement of the group’s employees and the assistance of the Apprentis d’Auteuil support teams. For eight years, over a hundred employee mentors and tutors have supported young people from three Turbo intakes, in their technical and practical training, and in life within our companies. They are the backbone of the Turbo project.
What could be better than passing on what you have learnt? Skills sponsorship gives personal meaning to work and collective meaning to the company. But to better measure the impact of this programme, it is worth hearing from those who experience it first-hand: